Fuji Silysia Chemical is represented around the globe with production facilities on three different continents. We have also entered into strategically located distribution relationships to ensure seamless product availability, technical knowledge and logistical resources to service customers large and small. As shown on the map below, wherever your interests are located in the world, you will find access to Fuji Silysia micronized silica-gel.
On the map below, you’ll find our three regional offices that cover the globe, based in the USA, Italy and Japan. Click on the office icon in your region to find contact information. The map also displays the locations of our distributors located within the Americas. Details on distribution channels outside the Americas are available upon contacting the Fuji Silysia office in your region.
We sincerely thank you for taking the time to research Fuji Silysia Chemical. We encourage all visitors to reach out with your questions or comments, to make order inquiries, or to locate your distributor.